Dinner menu Riad Altair : 270 MAD (25 EUR)
Lundi / Monday
Assortiment de fines briouates
Assortment of fine-briouates
Assortment of fine-briouates
Tajine de (Bœuf ou Agneau) aux amandes et pruneau, petites courgettes et
tomates du Bled
Tajine de (Bœuf ou Agneau) aux amandes et pruneau, petites courgettes et tomates du Bled
Tajine de (Bœuf ou Agneau) aux amandes et pruneau, petites courgettes et tomates du Bled
Ananas caramélisé au safran, quenelle de glace maison
Caramelized Pineapple with Saffron flavour, homemade ice cream
Caramelized Pineapple with Saffron flavour, homemade ice cream
Mardi / Tuesday
Ramequin de croustillants de légumes
Crispy vegetables
Crispy vegetables
Lotte en papillote de brik façon marrakchia
Brik of fish Lotte with marrakchia flavour
Brik of fish Lotte with marrakchia flavour
Bavarois givré de fruits secs
Frosten cake with fruits
Frosten cake with fruits
Mercredi /Wednesday
Velouté de potiron à la coriande
Cream of Pumpkin coriander
Cream of Pumpkin coriander
Tajine de poulet au citron confit M’salla et serpentin de légumes grillés
Chicken tajine M’salla with preserved lemon and grilled vegetables coil
Chicken tajine M’salla with preserved lemon and grilled vegetables coil
Poire pochée aux épices, quenelle de glace maison
Poached pear with flavour spice, homemade ice cream
Jeudi / Thursday
Croustillant de daurade, effilochée de légumes
Crispy sea bream, shredded vegetables
Crispy sea bream, shredded vegetables
Assortiment de fines salades marocaines
Assortment of fine Moroccan salads
Assortment of fine Moroccan salads
Brochettes de fruits acidulés au citron et gingembre
Some prepared fruit with lemon and ginger
Some prepared fruit with lemon and ginger
Vendredi / Friday
Mille feuilles d’aubergine
Thousand-leaves of eggplant
Thousand-leaves of eggplant
Couscous à la Fassia (collier d’agneau et bœuf)
Couscous from Fes (lamb and beef)
Couscous from Fes (lamb and beef)
Tajine de fruits de saison, quenelle de glace maison
Tagine-seasonal fruit, homemade ice cream quenelle
Tagine-seasonal fruit, homemade ice cream quenelle
Samedi / Saturday
Velouté de courgettes et chou-fleur au Boursin
The Special Soup by Lamia
The Special Soup by Lamia
Coquelet adouci au miel et gingembre, Purée de pommes de terre
Cockerel-sweetened with honey and ginger, mashed patatoesl
Cockerel-sweetened with honey and ginger, mashed patatoesl
Chakchouka Marrakchia (pastilla aux fruits compotés, lait d’amande safrané)
Chakchouka Marrakchia (pastilla with fruits, almond milk saffron)
Chakchouka Marrakchia (pastilla with fruits, almond milk saffron)
Dimanche / Sunday
Fine Pastilla ou poulet Beldi
Fine Chicken Pastilla beldi
Fine Chicken Pastilla beldi
Tanjia Marrakchia et vermicelle
specialty beef braised in the oven Hammam
specialty beef braised in the oven Hammam
Tarte au citrons beldi, quenelle de glace chocolat
Beldi lemon tart, chocolate ice cream
Beldi lemon tart, chocolate ice cream
Every Days for Vegetarian People
Tajine berbère de légumes comme à l’Ourika (Pour végétariens !!!)
Berber vegetable tagine as Ourika (For vegetarians!)
Berber vegetable tagine as Ourika (For vegetarians!)
Couscous aux 7 légumes de l’Ourika
Traditional Couscous with 7 vegetable
Traditional Couscous with 7 vegetable
Children's menu: 170 MAD (15 EUR) between 2 and 12 years old
Menu 1
Cuisse de poulet + Purée de pomme de terre
Chicken leg + Mashed Potatoes
Chicken leg + Mashed Potatoes
Fondant au chocolat
Smooth Chocolat Cake
Smooth Chocolat Cake
Menu 2
Steak Viande hachée + boules de pomme de terre séchée au four
Minced steak + poato balls oven dried
Minced steak + poato balls oven dried
Assortiment de glace ou crêpes au Nutella
Assortment of ice or crepes with Nutella
Assortment of ice or crepes with Nutella
Menu 3 :
Spaghetti, pâte ou Lasagne à la bolonaise
Spaghetti, pasta Bolognese or Lasagna
Pain perdu plus crème Anglaise
More toast custard
More toast custard